Like a lot of other web agencies we buy bulk hosting packages and then on sell them to our clients. Difference is the other agencies generally don’t tell you.
Good question! We are best at building websites not hosting them. We don’t have the time nor expertise to properly maintain web servers which is why we pay experts to do it for us. Just as you are employing experts when you work with us.
Another good question (you’re on fire)! We offer hosting for our websites so we become a single point of contact if you ever have issues with your site (unlikely). If your site goes down and it turns out your hosting is out we would then have to advise you to talk to your hosting provider (we would help out as much as possible of course). However, if you want to directly purchase hosting with a hosting company we are more than happy to work with them.
We recommend you purchase your domain name yourself (we can advise you on how to do this of course). Why? Because that way you maintain ownership of the domain name and can move it whenever you want. In this increasingly digital world, your domain name is becoming a vital asset and it’s best for you to be in control of your assets.
Domain names and hosting can be with separate providers. Just as you can move house and still keep the same number. They just need to know where the new house is. The domain name provider just needs to know where your hosting is (done through changing the domain’s name servers).
We sure can! That’s another reason why we offer hosting. To take the hassle out of it. We can set all this up for you. We just want to be as transparent as possible.